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Bridging the gap Between 
Faith and Mental health



Hope                Empathy              Love             Peace


Offering holistic services to TRAILBLAZERS as they pursue Christ, heal, and pave the way for others. 


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We strive to bridge the gap between faith and mental health  by enhancing the life of others through emotional fitness, strategic faith, and advocacy.


One Imperfection empowers people to pursue intimacy with Jesus Christ, self and community. 


Author and mentor, Danielle Thompson was born in Kingston, Jamaica, and raised in Long Island, New York. She is committed to finding practical ways to show others how to move past stagnating life experiences. She has a MA in Mental Health Counseling, BS in Sociology, and an AS in Early Childhood Education. She serves her community as a psychotherapist in Richmond, Virginia where she resides with her children. Her organization, One Imperfection was founded in 2017 to serve people that want to pursue emotional fitness. Danielle believes in having radical faith and being intimate with God. Danielle’s purpose was revealed to her through a season of self-discovery accompanied by trials. During that season she learned how to be intentional about managing her emotions with grace. Journeying through this process lead her to entrepreneurship. Her book, How to Manage your Emotions with Grace is the foundation for her online based mentoring program. Her vision is to bridge the gap between faith and mental health  by enhancing the life of others through emotional fitness, strategic faith, and advocacy. She is dedicated to investing her time into those who are hungry for Christ, who want to get it right and just needs to be surrounded by people who are willing to be committed to the growth process.


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Why One Imperfection?

“While sitting in an undergraduate class in 2015, God showed me a vision; I saw myself speaking on a stage to a group of individuals, they looked engaged, like they were soaking in every word I uttered. Above me, I saw the words ONE IMPERFECTION engraved on a plaque. The imagery quickly became a permanent memory and still is. One imperfection means to chose one thing in life to work on daily. Every conversation, experience or encounter of any sorts is an opportunity to practice the skills needed to walk with Jesus. 


It's interesting because when God gives you a vision very rarely do you understand what it means or what action to take. Each milestone in faith requires a genuine pursuit of God.  He takes you on a journey of discovery, healing and empowerment. Then one day, you reflect on your walk with Jesus and realize EVERYTHING was apart of the unraveling of your calling, purpose and destiny. You mature to place of wisdom to accept that life is an adventure of walking in victory by faith with absolute guarantee of success. He made me a TRAILBLAZER!



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